Monday, October 29, 2012

It's time to find the time about filmmaker!

Hello DeafRead,

   I have seen everyone talked about the movie, Obama 2016. I find it disgusting! How can you believe it? Its a hate movie!   The Republicans and Dinesh D'Souza want everyone to find the  so called truth about Obama and tried to blame everything on him. Now I want you find the truth about him this guy who made the movie.

  He has a problems with his marriage, it's even. I know it's his tricky the people to believe he's muslim. Hate can go to blind and can't see the truth . I don't know it blind me. Let your eyes get bright and open your mind

Is it interested? He denied and it was sad to see for him leave his wife and daughter for his mistress.

This is filmmaker of the hate filled Obama documentary all the Republicans want to us see. Another double standard living hypocritical, bigoted mouth piece for the Republicans.~sundumbell